Adapted from
Seesaw Margery Daw poem
Seesaw Margery Daw
Johnny shall have a new master
He shall earn but a penny a day
Because he can't work any faster
History in a game for children in "Seesaw Margery Daw"
seesaw is the oldest 'ride' for children , easily constructed from logs
of different sizes.
翹翹板是一個簡單而古老的兒童遊戲 用一塊木板就可以做成
The words of "Seesaw Marjorie Daw" reflect children playing on a see-saw and singing this rhyme to accompany their game.
There was no such person that we can identify who had the name Marjorie Daw and we therefore make the assumption that this was purely used to rhyme with the words 'seesaw' i.e "Seesaw Marjory Daw".
歌詞中的 Marjory Daw 並無其人 應該只是為了押韻所捏造的人名
The last three lines of "Seesaw Margery Daw" appear to reflect the use of child labour in work houses where those with nowhere else to live would be forced to work for a pittance (a penny a day) on piece work (because he can't work any faster).
歌曲中後三行的歌詞應該是反應在貧民習藝所中童工的工作狀況 這些無家可歸的孩子因為無處可去 只好棲身於此 為了少許的配給食物 ( pittance ) 而從事報酬寒微的計件工作
The words of "Seesaw Margery Daw" might be used by a spiteful child to taunt another implying his family were destined for the workhouse.
難得把一首歌的簡介從頭到尾看完 ( 原因當然是因為歌詞滿詭異的 )
看完之後 一陣悲慘 原想下週教孩子們唱這首歌 一面玩我新到貨的平衡翹翹板
像 Ring arround the rosy 聽說是在描寫當時瘟疫流行時的悲慘狀況
真可怕呀 雖然歌曲很好聽 可是唱起來還真的一陣毛咧 ............