這是一個被吵來吵去的問題,到底能不能說 since five years ago (從五年以前開始)。



這個問題常常有人問,所以有一個 forum 的說法是這樣的:

Normally, "ago" refers to a completed time - it's in the past. Since, on the other hand, refers to a time when something began and continued up to another point.

I came here a year ago. (completed time/action)

I've been here since 3pm. (incomplete time action)

If you combine the two, it doesn't work.


如果上述說法成立的話,意思是,"時間 ago" 只能用在"完成的時間"不能用在"開始的時間"。

而 since 是用在描述一段時間的開始,所以不能把兩個合用。



10 Years Ago, He Started Feeding A Few Wild Parakeets. Now, He Feeds 4,000 Every Single Day

可是這個句子看起來合情入理啊,要說他錯也實在說不通 ~~~



如果你問 native speaker ,native speaker 大概也只會聳聳肩說,啊我們沒有在降子講的捏 ~~


所以到底為什麼不能一起用呢?ago 真的是用來講一個已經完成的時間點的嗎?他不能用來描述一個時間的起點嗎?



參考字典:Cambridge Dictionaries Online 和 Oxford Learner's Dictionary.

ago        adv. .........之前

1. back in the past; back in time from the present ( Cambridge

  •     He left the house over an hour ago.

2. used in expressions of time with the simple past tense to show how far in the past something happened (Oxford)

  •     He stopped working some time ago (= quite a long time ago).

since ( Cambridge / Oxford )

adv. 從此以後

(Cambridge) from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now

(Oxford) from a time in the past until a later past time, or until now

  • Emma went to work in New York a year ago, and we haven't seen her since.
  • He left home two weeks ago and we haven't heard from him since.

conj. 從 .......以後

(Cambridge) from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now

(Oxford) (used with the present perfect, past perfect or simple present tense in the main clause) from an event in the past until a later past event, or until now

  • I've been very busy since I came back from holiday.
  • It was the first time I'd had visitors since I'd moved to London.

prep. 從 ......開始

(Cambridge)  from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now

(Oxford) (used with the present perfect or past perfect tense) from a time in the past until a later past time, or until now

  • England have not won the World Cup in football since 1966.
  • I haven't eaten since breakfast.




其實從詞性中我們就可以發現,為什麼這樣的說法是不可以的,主要的原因在於 since 的詞性。


ago 這個字的用法比較單純,就是副詞,他的用法就是在他的前面放上一個時間的長度,然後這整個"時間長度 + ago "就形成了一個時間副詞,意指" 這麼長的時間之前"。

since 這個字的用法比較多元,有副詞、介係詞、和從屬連接詞。當他當副詞的時候意指"從此以後";當從屬連接詞的時候是連接一個句子作為另一個句子的副詞子句;當介係詞的時候則可以指"從某一個時間點開始"。而我們所要使用的,就是 since 這個字在作為介係詞時的用法。

講到這裡我想你應該已經知道為什麼不能說 since five years ago 了,如果還是不能了的話請繼續往下看。

基本上,當 since 當介係詞的時候後面是必須要接一個名詞作為介係詞的受詞,所以接在 since 後面表示時間起點的語詞都必須是名詞性的東西;five years ago 之所以不能放在 since 後面最大的原因是,阿ㄋㄡ,他已經是一個,時間副詞了。

所以,你可以說 since she was ten five years ago,因為在這裡,since 是當作從屬連接詞連接一個子句,而這個子句中描述的一件事情透過 since 的連接就可以做為前面主要句所描述的事件的時間起點。這個子句裡面所描述的事情基本上是一個時間點而不是時間長度,因此是合理的。而這個 five years ago 是這個子句的時間副詞,而不是被拿來當作介係詞的受詞所以當然是沒問題的。


所以基本上,這個問題的答案是,因為 since 當介係詞的時候後面要接名詞,而 xxx ago 是時間副詞所以不能放在他後面。




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