為了讓大家更進一步認識廣泛性閱讀 ( extensive reading),
Extensive reading: why it is good for our students… and for us.
Submitted by Alan Maley on 8 December, 2009 - 13:41
What is Extensive Reading (ER)? 何謂廣泛性閱讀?
Extensive Reading is often referred to but it is worth checking on what it actually involves. Richard Day has provided a list of key characteristics of ER (Day 2002). This is complemented by Philip Prowse (2002). Maley (2008) deals with ER comprehensively. The following is a digest of the two lists of factors or principles for successful ER:
廣泛性閱讀常被提及,但相當值得我們深思他的真正內涵。Richard Day 提供了一些重要的廣泛性閱讀的特點做為參考。以下是一個簡單的列表。
- Students read a lot and read often.
- 學生們的經常性且大量性的閱讀活動。
- There is a wide variety of text types and topics to choose from.
- 可選擇的題材和內容是多樣性的。
- The texts are not just interesting: they are engaging/ compelling.
- 其內容是趣味性的,引人入勝的。
- Students choose what to read.
- 學生們自行決定閱讀的內容。
- Reading purposes focus on: pleasure, information and general understanding.
- 閱讀的目的為樂趣,獲得更多的知識,以及普遍性的理解。
- ( 譯者註:廣泛性閱讀的目的並非學習語文,而是運用該語言文字做為工具,來獲得樂趣、知識、以及理解。所以,廣泛性閱讀活動性質與坊間所言的「學英文」性質並不相同。)
- Reading is its own reward.
- 閱讀所獲得的樂趣就是閱讀活動的獎勵。
- There are no tests, no exercises, no questions and no dictionaries.
- 沒有考試,練習,沒有問答,沒有字典。
- Materials are within the language competence of the students.
- 閱讀材料符合學生的程度。
- Reading is individual, and silent.
- 個人各自閱讀,無聲的,不需要唸出來。
- Speed is faster, not deliberate and slow.
- 閱讀速度快,不需要深思熟慮。
- The teacher explains the goals and procedures clearly, then monitors and guides the students.
- 老師解說閱讀目地以及方式,觀察並引導學生。
- The teacher is a role model…a reader, who participates along with the students.
- 老師的角色是擔任模範,一個讀者,並參與學生之中閱讀。