轉貼網址  http://www.cet-taiwan.com/et/07_ET_show.asp?serno=377


  作者:Caroline Teresa Linse

1. In general, listening and speaking are primarily considered as important skills. Should they be the only skills that very young learners learn? When should reading and writing be introduced?
 一般而言, 聽與說被視為重要且基本的語言技能,幼齡的孩子只要學習這兩種技能就可以了嗎?孩子應該何時開始接觸讀與寫呢?

 The focus of English programs for young learners should be on engaging children in the learning process. It is understood that even for native English speakers, very young learners benefit from educational programs that focus on listening and speaking. Children benefit when they are listening and speaking in any language, be it their mother tongue or an additional language. Listening and speaking skills lay the foundation for reading and writing. Children who have developed a rich oral vocabulary and conceptual knowledge through early hands on experiences and conversations with adults become better readers and writers. 英語課程的重點應該著重於讓孩子能參與學習過程,即使是英語為母語的學習者,從聽與說開始學習也是有益的。透過聽與說學習語言,就像是學習母語或其他語言 一樣。聽與說的技能發展,奠定日後讀與寫的基礎。另外,孩子如果能提早透過動手做或與大人的對話互動,發展豐富的口語字彙及知識,通常這些孩子的閱讀及寫 作能力也會比較好。

 It is not necessary to push children into reading and writing until they are ready to do so. Many children are forced to begin reading only because an adult thinks that it is time. Don't worry if a child is not interested in reading or writing. Eventually all children will want to read and write and they will let you know when they are ready. You can make reading and writing attractive by sharing stories and reading to children on a regular basis.
在孩子還沒準備好之前,強迫孩子讀寫是沒必要的,很多孩子被迫閱讀,只是因為父母親 覺得是時候了。如果孩子目前對閱讀及寫作沒有興趣,請不用太擔心,最終,孩子還是會想閱讀及寫作的,而且他們會讓您知道時間到了,可以透過定期與孩子一起 閱讀或分享故事的機會,讓孩子對閱讀及寫作產生興趣。

2. Children are introduced to English education when they are very young in Taiwan. When it comes to teaching very young learners English, what are the key issues that teachers need to consider?
 在台灣,英語教育從幼齡就 已經開始,當老師在面對幼稚園年紀的孩子時,教學上有哪些方面需要特別注意的呢?

  It is important for children to be engaged in the learning process. Quite often we want children to have fun but I personally believe that engagement is a more important goal. Quite often when children are having fun, they are engaged. There are also times when children are so engaged and engrossed in an activity that it is beyond having fun. For example, you can look at a little boy building a tower out of blocks and completely engrossed in what he is doing. His level of engagement is beyond giddy fun, he is making meaningful connections with his learning. 
孩子參與學習的過程,是學習中重要的環節。我們常常希望孩子玩的開心就好了,不過,我個人認為讓孩子「親自參與」是更重要 的目標。在開心玩耍的同時,孩子完全投入的參與感往往勝過於玩耍帶來的樂趣。例如:仔細觀察一個小男孩用積木堆一座塔,他完全投入在堆積木的過程當中,那 種沉浸的程度遠超過表面的樂趣,其實他正在與他的所學,做有意義的連結

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