
第一次接觸 Stan Berenstain 和 Jan Berenstain 的作品就是 Berenstain 小熊系列,原先並沒有太注意這套系列書的作者,只覺得這套小熊書的有趣。這套小熊書算是相當美式的繪本,文字不難,很生活化,內容也很有趣。畫風談不上精緻,就是一般系列書的水準。單單是這樣,似乎引不起人太多的興趣。系列書吧!就是這樣囉!

可是深刻認識Berenstain這對作家,會讓人對他們的作品產生更深入的興趣。好比說,這兩個人究竟是什麼關係呢?Stan和Jan都是費城人,可是之前並不認識,一直到他們在1941 年成為Philadelphia Museum School of Industrial Art 的同學時才相識,五年後,他們結為夫妻。他們育有二子,Leo和Mike。

即使是這樣似乎也沒啥希奇,夫妻檔的繪本作家比比皆是,單是如此,也引不起特別的眼光。可是如果我們仔細檢視Berenstain夫妻的作品,他們除了創作了詼諧有趣的Berenstain Bears以外,還創作了許多其他不同質素的作品。翻開他們的作品清單,我們可以發現,Berenstain 夫婦對於家庭以及兒童的關懷層面,除了幽默和詼諧以外,更想呈現的是那些屬於「家庭」和「教養」的深層問題。透過這樣的認識,再重新看Berenstain小熊,會有不同的認識和體會。




  1. The Berenstains’ Baby Book (1951, MacMillan)
  2. Sister (1952, Schuman cartoons)
  3. Tax-Wise (1952, Schuman)
  4. Marital Blitz (1954, Dutton)
  5. Baby Makes Four (1956, MacMillan)
  6. It’s All in the Family (1958, Dutton)
  7. Lover Boy (1958, MacMillan)
  8. And Beat Him When He Sneezes (1960, McGraw Hill)
  9. Have a Baby, My Wife Just Had a Cigar (1960, Dell, retitled reprint)
  10. Bedside Lover Boy (1960, Dell)
  11. Call Me Mrs. (1961, MacMillan)
  12. It’s Still in the Family (1961, Dutton)
  13. Office Lover Boy (1962, Dell)
  14. The Facts of Life for Grown-ups (1963, Dell)
  15. Flipsville-Squareville (1965, Delacorte)
  16. Mr. Dirty vs. Mrs. Clean (1967, Dell)
  17. You Could Diet Laughing (1969, Dell)
  18. Be Good or I’ll Belt You (1970, Dell)
  19. Education Impossible (1970, Dell)
  20. How to Teach Your Children about Sex without Making a Complete Fool of Yourself (1970, Dutton)
  21. Never Trust Anyone over 13 (1970, Bantam)
  22. How to Teach Your Children about God without Actually Scaring Them out of Their Wits (1971, Dutton)
  23. Are Parents for Real? (1972, Bantam)
  24. The Day of the Dinosaur (1987, Random House, First Time Readers)
  25. After the Dinosaurs (1988, Random House, First Time Readers)
  26. What Your Parents Never Told You about Being a Mom or Dad (1995) parenting advice
  27. Down A Sunny Dirt Road (2002) autobiography
  28. The Berenstain Bears and The Bear Essentials (2005) parenting advice



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