繪本作者 : Leo Lionni
出版社 : Scholastic
特色 : 很 ~~~ fish
草莓的繪本分級 : Level 2


當然 Scholastic 這家出版社並不是以出版文學充滿的作品為中心德目
因為顧及不同層級讀者的需求  它的版品的文學氣息並不是那麼濃厚
也就是  它的句法不會那麼難  時態不會那麼複雜  用字不會希奇古怪 
只要有一些文法基礎  基本上閱讀都不會是一件太困難的事情

即使如此  仍可以在他的版品中找到一些很清新的作品

好比說  這一本

其實這本繪本的故事很簡單  一隻蝌蚪和一隻魚是莫逆
可是有一天  蝌蚪長出了後腳   於是蝌蚪不再是一條魚  而成為一個兩棲類
兩棲類可以到陸地上四處逛   但是魚不行
像青蛙看見了鳥  看見了牛  看見了人

有趣的地方是  當青蛙描繪這些見聞給魚的時候
魚對這些東西的想像  是建立在"魚"上的
好比說  青蛙說到牛  他說
Cows, they have four legs, horns, eat grass, and carry pink bags of milk.
於是魚心中描繪出的牛的模樣是一隻長了四隻腳  兩隻角  身上有斑點  腹部有乳袋  嘴上嚼著青草的 ~~~~~~ 魚

這樣的圖像是有趣的  這樣的有趣叫做"誤解"
也就是  不論你以為自己陳述的有多清楚  在別人心中所呈現的圖像卻有可能是充滿誤解的模糊
然而當我們真正去探討這些符碼所欲傳達  以及傳達到的東西之後
你會發現  這之中有多大的誤差
不管闡述者闡述的多麼用力  讀者永遠是用自己的經驗來解讀

一本可以淺顯  可以深沉的繪本 ..............

Leo Lionni的著作

這位作者的簡介如下  有興趣可以看一看

比較有趣的是  在他的簡介中看到這樣的字樣 " philosophical children's books"  也就是說  這個人的作品不宜以等閑的繪本識之  或者可以在其中找到一些可以討論的命題

Leo Lionni
1910.05.05 Amsterdam (NL) - 1999.10.11 Rome (I)

Obituary from DeadPool.org

10/17/99 - ROME -- Artist Leo Lionni, who devoted his versatile talents to everything from philosophical children's books to high-profile ad campaigns, died Oct. 11. He was 89. Lionni was born in the Netherlands on May 5, 1910, and immigrated to the United States 10 years later, showing an early enthusiasm for drawing.

In 1925, he moved to Genoa, Italy, where his abstract paintings won him an invitation to exhibit with the then-cutting-edge Futurists. He worked on his first graphic design projects in Milan.

Mussolini's Fascist racial laws turned Lionni away from Italy and toward the United States in 1933, when he wove his artistic and business talents into a successful career in advertising.

As art director of N.W. Ayer in Philadelphia, Lionni designed ad campaigns for clients including Ford and General Electric, employing respected contemporary artists such as Fernand Leger and Willem De Kooning as illustrators.

In the 1950s, he became art director for Fortune magazine and edited catalogs for New York's Museum of Modern Art and Metropolitan Museum.

In 1959, Lionni published his first children's book, ``Little Blue and Little Yellow.'' The idea -- the book's protagonists are a blue dot and a yellow dot whose adventures blend them together into Little Green -- sprung from a story he once improvised for his grandchildren.

Lionni went on to write and illustrate another 30 children's books, which have been published in 11 languages.
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