The farmer and his wife are so intent on preparing for the birth of
their baby, they don't notice that their animals are acting a little .
. . unusual. During the day, the animals moo and quack and
neigh as always. But at night, when the farmer and his wife sleep, the
animals gather in the barn to work on a big surprise--a musical treat
to welcome the new baby!
Will Hillenbrand brings to this traditional song the imaginative touch that made his Down by the Station
a shining success. He has created a world filled with the magic of
nighttime--and an exuberant celebration of the joy of a newborn. Sheet
music for the song is featured with the text.
又是一本可以唱的故事 故事和歌提到許多農場上的動物
在網路上找了好久還是找不到童聲版的 mp3
還真的很有趣呢 ~~
(traditional folksong)
I had a cat, my cat pleased me
I fed my cat by the greenberry tree
My cat said fiddle-i-fee
I had a dog, my dog pleased me.
I fed my dog by the greenberry tree
My dog went ruff, ruff,
My cat went fiddle-i-fee.
I had a rooster, my rooster pleased me
I fed my rooster by the greenberry tree
My rooster went cockle doo, cockle doo
My dog went ruff, ruff
My cat went fiddle-i-fee
I had a cow, my cow pleased me
I fed my cow by the greenberry tree
My cow went moo moo
My rooster went cockle doo, cockle doo
My dog went ruff, ruff
My cat went fiddle-i-fee
I had a sheep a sheep, my sheep pleased me
I fed my sheep by the greenberry tree
My sheep went baa, baa
My cow went moo moo
My rooster went cockle doo, cockle doo
My dog went ruff, ruff
My cat went fiddle-i-fee
I had a duck, my duck please me
I fed my duck by the greenberry tree
My duck went quack, quack
My sheep went baa, baa
My cow went moo moo
My rooster went cockle doo, cockle doo
My dog went ruff, ruff
My cat went fiddle-i-fee