Productive skills: when students produce language. Speaking and writing are productive skills.

Purpose of writing:

1.       Writing to communicate a particular message.

2.       Writing to communicate to somebody.


Subskills of writing:


Spelling, forming letters, legibly, punctuating, layout, vocabulary, grammar, joining sentences, using paragraphs.


Enough ideas, organize them well, express them in an appropriate style.

Accuracy: The use of correct forms of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. In an accuracy activity, students typically give more attention to correctness. See fluency.

Layout: The way in which parts of a text are organized and presented on a page. Certain texts have special layouts, e.g. letters and newspaper articles.


Process writing: An approach to writing, which looks at writing as a process and includes different stages of writing such as planning, drafting, re-drafting, editing, proofreading.


To think of ideas (usually quickly) about a topic (often noting these down). This is often done as preparation before writing or speaking.

Making notes

Note-taking is one of the subskills of writing. To take notes means to write down ideas in short form.


Organizing our idea.


A draft is a piece of writing that is not yet finished, and may be changed. A writer drafts a piece of writing. That is, they write it for the first time but not exactly as it will be when it is finished. When the writing is changed, it is re-drafted.


Correcting and improving the text.




Checking for mistakes in accuracy or editing again.

To read a text checking to see if there are any mistakes in spelling, grammar etc.


Classroom writing

The following activities help to teaching grammar, listening and reading, but do not teach the skills of writing.

²      Completing gaps in sentences with the correct word.

²      Taking notes for listening comprehension.

²      Writing one-word answers to reading comprehension questions.

To teach the writing subskills, we need to focus on accuracy in writing, on communicating a message and on the writing process.



Text structure: The way a text is organised. For example, an essay typically has an introduction, main section and conclusion.

Infer attitude, feeling, mood: To decide how a writer or speaker feels about something from the way that they speak or write, rather than from what they actually and openly say or the words they use.

Paragraph: A paragraph is part of a longer piece of writing such as an essay, which starts on a new line and usually contains a single new idea. When a writer is paragraphing, he/she is creating paragraphs. See topic sentence.

Topic sentence: A sentence that gives the main point or subject of a paragraph. This is usually the opening sentence in a paragraph.

Paraphrase(改寫) noun + verb: To say or write something in a short and clear way, using different words. If a learner is not sure of the exact language they need to use, they can paraphrase, i.e. explain their meaning using different language.


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