原文請見:Why Zika Is This Year’s Scary Virus









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Why Zika Is This Year’s Scary Virus  

It is “spreading explosively” in the Americas and may be the next public health emergency.



Scary new viruses emerge abruptly in our modern world, provoking stark headlines and demands for bold government actionbut in most cases the causes are complex and have developed, unnoticed, over years or decades. 


  • provoking stark headlines 可以說是一種側寫的修辭方式,以"在報紙上有鮮明的標題",表示這些事件受到關注的程度。我們當然可以平鋪直敘的說,"這些病毒引發的疾病在當時都對人們有著重大的影響",這是直述法;但也可以用這種側寫的方式,這些事件在發生的當時都是新聞頭條,來表達這些事件的重要以及影響的程度。

That’s true again for Zika, a virus unknown to most people until recent days, and now suddenly the subject of somber warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, which announced on Thursday that the virus is “spreading explosively.”

茲卡病毒也是這樣的例子,這種病毒一直到最近才引起大家的注意,在這之前,對於大部份的人而言都是很陌生的,然而現在它突然成為疾病控制以及預防中心,和世衛組織 (WHO) 所發出的疾病警告的主角。本週四世界衛生組織宣布,茲卡病毒正以爆炸性的速度傳播當中。

The alarm stems from an epidemic of birth defects in Brazil, which may be linked with Zika virus infection of mothers during pregnancy.


Amid this furor, it’s worth distinguishing fact from supposition and placing the Zika phenomenon in a broader context.




This virus was first isolated in Uganda in 1947, within a small enclave called Zika Forest, near the west shore of Lake Victoria, where researchers from the Rockefeller Foundation were studying yellow fever.

這種病毒首次被分離出來,是在 1947 年烏干達的一個稱為茲卡森林的飛地中,鄰近維多利亞胡的西岸。當時洛克斐勒基金會的人員正在當地研究黃熱病。

Ironically, the earliest known victim of Zika virus infection in Africa was an Asian macaque—a rhesus monkey, set out in a cage in a treetop as bait for the mosquitoes that carry yellow fever virus.


Instead of that virus, its blood yielded this new thing, dubbed Zika. The virus had never been seen before, but it had probably lurked chronically in African monkeys, or some other native reservoir, for millennia.


The same virus later turned up, in the same forest, within mosquitoes of the Aedes genus, and those mosquitoes are now identified as vectors of Zika, transmitting the virus from host to host when they bite.




Eventually it was found infecting people, too, not just in Africa but also in Asia—from Senegal to Cambodia, in fact, a wide range throughout which Aedes mosquitoes reside.


The symptoms, such as headache, fever, a rash, bloodshot eyes, were generally mild.


Then, in 2007, Zika virus caused more than a hundred cases on Yap, a tiny island in the southwestern Pacific, having somehow gotten there from the Asian mainland.


2007 年,茲卡病毒透過某些方式從亞洲大陸傳播出來,在一個西南太平洋的小島 Yap 上造成一百多個病例。

Aedes mosquitoes were present on Yap and passed the virus from one victim to another. But no one suffered badly enough to be hospitalized.

Yap 島上也有依蚊的蹤跡,他們將病毒在受害者之間傳播,可是當時並沒有造成嚴重到需要就醫的病例。

Six years later, Zika emerged more dramatically in French Polynesia, sending an estimated 28,000 people (11 percent of the population) into medical care.

六年之後,茲卡病毒在法屬玻里尼西亞戲劇性地出現,把 28000 人 (當地人口的 11 %) 送進了醫療中心。

Among 72 patients with severe neurological symptoms, 40 contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome, a dangerous autoimmune dysfunction, sometimes triggered by infection. That was the first signal that Zika virus infection could be dire.

其中 72 個病例有嚴重的神經症狀,有 40 個有吉蘭 - 巴雷綜合徵。這是一種非常危險的自身免疫功能障礙,有時是由感染所引起的。這是茲卡病毒感染第一次危險訊號。



The second signal came in April of last year, with a spate of Zika virus infections diagnosed in northeastern Brazil—a new location for the virus, on the South American mainland, and with a huge population of susceptible humans now within reach.


Worse news came in October: a drastic increase in cases of microcephaly (smallness of head, linked to incomplete brain development) among infants born to mothers in the northeast.


Amniotic fluid from at least two of those mothers contained evidence for the presence of Zika virus, suggesting (but not proving) the link between Zika and microcephaly.


As the numbers rose further and anxiety grew, the WHO and the CDC issued warnings, and the WHO called a meeting for February 1, to consider proclaiming Zika a public health emergency.


Alas, as we saw during the Ebola events of 2014, such a declaration doesn’t necessarily trigger a coordinated and efficacious international response.

然而,就如同我們在2014 年伊波拉病毒事件中所見,這樣的宣布並不一定會引起國際間的整合和有效的回應。



This is a story of biogeography as well as medicine and public health, and of the consequences of human travel and transport.


How did Zika virus get to Brazil? Possibly it traveled in the blood of athletes—when competitors from French Polynesia and other Pacific islands came to Rio de Janeiro, in August 2014, for the Va’a World Sprint Championship in outrigger canoeing.

茲卡病毒是怎麼到巴西的?有可能是住在運動員的血液裡面旅行到巴西的。這些運動員可能是來自法屬玻里尼西亞或是其他太平洋島嶼,在 2014 年八月來到里約熱內盧參加世界泛舟大賽。

(Some commentators have wondered whether the 2014 World Cup in soccer brought Zika to Brazil, but that extravaganza included no teams from Pacific islands.)

(有些評論解說員懷疑茲卡病毒可能是在2014 年的世界盃足球賽時被帶到巴西的,但是這場足球盛事中並沒有包含來自於太平洋島嶼的隊伍。) 

Still, bringing the virus was one thing; spreading it was another.




Vectors were necessary, for transmitting it from human to human.


One competent mosquito (Aedes aegypti, commonly called the yellow fever mosquito) is an African creature that probably hitchhiked to the Americas on sailing ships at the time of the slave trade.

其中一種病媒蚊 ( 依蚊,一般視之為黃熱病媒蚊)原居住在非洲,可能是在早期搭奴隸船的便車到美洲的。

Another, known as the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus), arrived more recently, reaching not just South and Central America but also the southern United States, probably by way of egg-laden water amid shipments of used tires from Asia. 


If those mosquitoes hadn’t been transplanted by human activity, decades and centuries before Zika virus, then the virus itself couldn’t have taken hold here between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.



What next? Urgent concern for all pregnant women, or women who may become pregnant, of course, not just in Brazil but throughout all the warmer zones of this hemisphere, wherever Aedes mosquitoes are present.



The WHO has cautioned that Zika is likely to spread throughout the Americas, except for Canada and Chile.


Additional cases of Zika virus infection have already occurred in Colombia, Venezuela, El Salvador, Mexico, and other South and Central American countries, and several of those countries, including El Salvador, Jamaica, and Colombia, have already advised women to delay pregnancy.




Zika infections carried by travelers have been brought back to Minnesota, New York, Hawaii (where a microcephalic baby was born), and other states in the U.S.

茲卡病毒的傳染已經隨著旅行人口帶到了明尼蘇達、紐約、夏威夷( 在此有一個小腦症的新生兒出生),以及美國的其他州。

The question about such cases, in the U.S. or elsewhere, is: Will infected people infect Aedes mosquitoes, who will infect other people?


It’s big question, given that the Asian tiger mosquito is now also present across southern Europe, including much of Italy, and both the tiger mosquito and the yellow fever mosquito inhabit most Asian cities.


By one account, more than half the humans on Earth live within areas infested by Aedes mosquitoes.



Public health officials will need to be vigilant in reducing the opportunities—in the form of standing water near human habitations—for those mosquitoes to lay eggs that mature to adulthood.


They will need also to be sensitive to social realities: You can’t simply tell poor, disempowered women without access to birth control means, “Don’t get pregnant.”



Bottom line: This is not something that is merely happening to us, a cosmic misfortune, a one-off event over which we must get up on our hind legs and howl at our governments for insufficient diligence.



It is, on the contrary, a result of things we do as a modern society—traveling, transporting people and things speedily around the globe, having babies to the point where there are more than seven billion of us on this planet, so that we now represent an irresistible resource for any virus that can adapt to preying upon us—and it’s part of a longer, broader pattern.


這個事件,相反的,是我們這個現代化的社會所造成的後果 — 人們的旅遊和運輸,以及所有使得事物迅速傳播到全球的作為,人口爆漲使得地球上有超過七十億的人口,使得我們成為任何一種病毒不可抗拒的資源,讓我們成為他們的獵場。而這是一個更為長遠和廣泛的模式的一部份。

In 2012, MERS coronavirus emerged from Saudi Arabia, stirring our concerns. In 2014 it was Ebola, blazing out of West Africa in search of a larger host base. Next year it will be virus X, and the year after, virus Y. This year it is Zika.

 2012 年,MERS 冠狀病毒出現在沙烏地阿拉伯,引起我們的關注;2014 年則是伊波拉病毒,狂風般掃過西非,尋找一個更大的宿主群。明年,或者將會是 X 病毒,在下一年,可能是 Y 病毒。而今年,則是茲卡病毒。


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