adopted from The Wall Stree Journal
Libya is emerging as a new destination of choice for extremists,as both Islamic State and al Qaeda have used the chaos since the overthrow of Moammar Gadhafi to seize territory and parts of the economy, a report by a security consulting firm said.
在這一段裡面的從屬連接詞是 as。但是這一段裡面有兩個 as,第一個 as 是做為介系詞,意為"成為",第二個 as 則是從屬連接詞,在此可以解釋為"由於"。
Wednesday’s report warned that Libya could become a dangerous new base for terrorist groups because of the country’s ungoverned hinterlands(腹地), long, porous borders and huge oil reserves.
Already, the absence of law and proliferation(氾濫) of weapons and violence in Libya “have allowed violent extremist groups such as the Islamic State and al Qaeda to thrive,” said the report by The Soufan Group, founded by a former U.S. government official who investigated the 2001 terror attacks.
由調查 2001 恐怖襲擊的前美國政府官員所成立的 Soufan集團在報告中提到,目前由於利比亞缺乏法律以及武器和暴力的泛濫,已經使得暴力極端組織,例如伊斯蘭國與蓋達組織蓬勃發展。
The report noted that both groups “are both utilizing Libya as a safe haven(避風港) from which to launch operations against neighboring countries.”
haven n. 避風港 <-> heaven n. 天堂
“Given geography, expansive territory, extensive oil reserves and its history with violent jihadist networks, a failed state in Libya could be disastrous for North Africa and Europe as well as the broader international community,” it said.
expansive a. 廣闊的 <-> expensive a. 昂貴的
The warning echoes similar concerns among U.S. officials and comes as United Nations-backed efforts to patch together a unity government and restore order have fallen flat.
Last week at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry listed several current crises, including those in Syria, Ukraine and Libya, as examples of places where corrupt or incompetent leaders helped to fuel violence and chaos.
On Monday, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said Islamic State “has managed to seize passports in Iraq, Syria and Libya and to set up a true industry of fake passports.”
Since Gadhafi was killed in 2011, much of Libya’s territory has fallen under the control of a patchwork of militias(民兵), many of them warring. Today, there are two competing central parliaments and governments, one based in the capital of Tripoli and the other in the coastal city of Tobruk. Both are backed by loose alliances of armed groups and former rebels who helped topple Gadhafi.
This week the parliament in Tobruk, which has been internationally recognized, rejected the unity government proposed under the U.N.-backed plan. The Soufan report said the vote signaled that “despite high international hopes, rival parties in Libya simply do not have the incentive to compromise on power-sharing.”
The report said Islamic State and al Qaeda are shifting toward Libya partly because they are being squeezed out of places like Syria by international military coalitions.
Some Islamic State recruitment(招募) materials have even begun instructing aspiring(有抱負的) foreign fighters to travel to Libya, rather than to Iraq and Syria. “As the group faces increasing military pressure on its strongholds in Raqqa and Mosul, this trend is likely to increase,” the report said.
一些伊斯蘭國招募文宣甚至已經開始指導有抱負的外國武裝分子前往利比亞,而不是伊拉克和敘利亞。 “由於集團在Raqqa和摩蘇爾的據點逐漸增加的軍事壓力,這一趨勢很可能會增加,”報告中說。
Likewise, Libya has become a “lawless fallback(退路) position” for al Qaeda affiliates, which have also been pressured out of northern Mali and Algeria by French, Algerian and African Union troops.
The report said that al Qaeda and Islamic State have each been generating revenues in Libya. Islamic State has been attacking oil installations controlled by rival militia groups and seized three regions, one of which, Sirte, it has tried to promote as its Libyan capital, in the model of Raqqa in Syria and Mosul in Iraq.
該報告稱,蓋達組織和伊斯蘭國家已分別在利比亞有收入。伊斯蘭國透過攻擊敵對民兵組織控制的石油設施獲利,並俘獲三個區域,並試圖複製在敘利亞的 Raqqa 和伊拉克的摩蘇爾模式,推動其中之一的蘇爾特成為利比亞首都。
“The black flag of the group adorns(裝飾) buildings across the city,” said the report. “Religious police patrol the city in pickup trucks, enforcing strict interpretations of religious law.”
“集團的黑色旗幟點綴整個城市的建築,”報告說。 “宗教警察的卡車在城內巡邏,執行嚴格的宗教法律。”