Oil Prices: What’s Behind the Drop? Simple Economics


adapted from The New York Times


The oil industry, with its history of booms(榮景) and busts(破產), is in its deepest downturn (低迷) since the 1990s, if not earlier.

Earnings are down for companies that have made record profits in recent years, leading them to decommission roughly two-thirds of their rigs(鑽機) and sharply cut investments in exploration and production. An estimated 250,000 oil workers have lost their jobs, and manufacturing of drilling and production equipment has fallen sharply.

根據石油產業起落的歷史,可以見到,石油價格約是從1990 年代開始陷入前所未有的低迷。


The cause is the plunging(價格暴跌) price of a barrel of oil, which has been cut roughly by more than 60 percent since the June 2014.


Prices have recovered a few times last year, but a barrel of oil has already sunk this year to its lowest level since 2004. Executives think it will be years before oil returns to $90 or $100 a barrel, pretty much the norm over the last decade.

去年原油價格已經回穩了數次,然而卻在今年跌至自 2004 年以來的新低。當局認為,可能需要數年才能讓原油價格回到過去十年平均水準的一桶 90 到  100 美元的水平。


What is the current price of oil?  目前的原油價格是多少?

Brent crude, the main international benchmark(基準), was trading at around $29 a barrel on Saturday.

國際標準布侖特原油上週六交易的價格為每桶 29 美元左右。

The American benchmark was at around $30 a barrel.

美國基準則是在每桶 30 美元左右。


Why has the price of oil been dropping so fast? Why now?


This a complicated question, but it boils down(歸結起來) to the simple economics of supply and demand.


United States domestic production has nearly doubled over the last several years, pushing out oil imports that need to find another home. Saudi, Nigerian and Algerian oil that once was sold in the United States is suddenly competing for Asian markets, and the producers are forced to drop prices. Canadian and Iraqi oil production and exports are rising year after year. Even the Russians, with all their economic problems, manage to keep pumping.


There are signs, however, that production is falling in the United States and some other oil-producing countries because of the drop in exploration investments. But the drop in production is not happening fast enough, especially with output from deep waters off the Gulf of Mexico and Canada continuing to build as new projects come online.


On the demand side, the economies of Europe and developing countries are weak and vehicles are becoming more energy-efficient. So demand for fuel is lagging a bit. 



Who benefits from the price drop?  誰從價格下跌中獲益? 

Any motorist can tell you that gasoline prices have dropped. Diesel, heating oil and natural gas prices have also fallen sharply.


The latest drop in energy prices — regular gas nationally now averages under $2 a gallon, roughly down about 14 cents from a year ago — is also disproportionately(不成比例地) helping lower-income groups, because fuel costs eat up a larger share of their more limited earnings.

最近一次的能源價格下跌 - 普通汽油約在$2加侖的平均水平,比去年同期約下降了約14美分 - 由於燃料成本占了低收入族群支出相當大的比利,燃油價格的下跌也對他們造成了相當不成比例的幫助。

Households that use heating oil to warm their homes are also seeing savings.



Who loses? 誰是這一波原油降價的受害者?
For starters, oil-producing countries and states. Venezuela, Iran, Nigeria, Ecuador, Brazil and Russia are just a few petrostates(產油國) that are suffering economic and perhaps even political turbulence(動盪). Persian Gulf states are likely to invest less money around the world, and they may cut aid to countries like Egypt.


In the United States, Alaska, North Dakota, Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana are facing economic challenges.


Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell and BP have all announced cuts to their payrolls(薪資) to save cash, and they are in far better shape than many smaller independent oil and gas producers that are slashing (削減) dividends(股利分紅;津貼) and selling assets (資產) as they report net losses. Other companies have slashed their dividends.


About 40 companies in North America have gone into bankruptcy protection.




What happened to OPEC? OPEC  發生了甚麼事?
A central factor in the sharp price drops, analysts say, is the continuing unwillingness of OPEC, a cartel(寡頭) of oil producers, to intervene(干預) to stabilize markets that are widely viewed as oversupplied.

分析家認為,另一個原油價格鉅變的核心因素,是石油生產國寡頭組織的 OPEC 不願干預以穩定被廣泛認為是供過於求的市場

Iran, Venezuela, Ecuador and Algeria have been pressing the cartel to cut production to firm up prices, but Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other gulf allies are refusing to do so. At the same time, Iraq is actually pumping more, and Iran is expected to become a major exporter again under the recent nuclear deal.

伊朗,委內瑞拉,厄瓜多爾和阿爾及利亞持續對 OPEC 施壓以穩定油價,但沙特阿拉伯,阿聯酋和其他灣盟都拒絕這樣做。與此同時,伊拉克實際上增加了產量,伊朗有望在最近的核武談判之後再次成為在石油的主要輸出國。

Saudi officials have said that if they cut production and prices go up, they will lose market share and merely benefit their competitors. They say they are willing to see oil prices go much lower, but some oil analysts think they are merely bluffing.


If prices remain low for another year or longer, the newly crowned King Salman may find it difficult to persuade other OPEC members to keep steady against the financial strains. The International Monetary Fund estimates that the revenues of Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf allies will slip by $300 billion this year.

如果價格維持在低水平超過一年以上,新加冕的國王薩爾曼可能很難說服其他 OPEC 成員國繼續資金緊縮。國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)估計,沙烏地阿拉伯及其他波斯灣盟國的今年的收入將下滑約三千億美金。


Is there a conspiracy to bring the price of oil down?

There are a number of conspiracy theories floating around. Even some oil executives are quietly noting that the Saudis want to hurt Russia and Iran, and so does the United States — motivation enough for the two oil-producing nations to force down prices. Dropping oil prices in the 1980s did help bring down the Soviet Union, after all.

有一些陰謀論正四處流傳。一些石油公司管理階層暗中指出,沙烏地阿拉伯想藉此傷害俄羅斯和伊朗,美國亦有此意圖,此一動機促使兩大石油輸出國同時壓低價格。畢竟此一石油降價手段的確在 1980 年代拖垮了蘇聯。

But there is no evidence to support the conspiracy theories, and Saudi Arabia and the United States rarely coordinate smoothly. And the Obama administration is hardly in a position to coordinate the drilling of hundreds of oil companies seeking profits and answering to their shareholders.



When are oil prices likely to recover?

Not anytime soon. Oil production is not declining fast enough in the United States and other countries, though that could begin to change this year.


Demand for fuels is recovering in some countries, and that could help crude(原油) prices recover in the next year or two. There is now little or no spare production capacity to give the market a cushion in case of another crisis in a crucial oil-producing country.


The history of oil is of booms and busts followed by more of the same.






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