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從文獻上來看   恐龍滅絕的原因有幾種主要學說

以進化論者 ( Evolutionist ) 的觀點   大概有以下幾種說法

1. 隕石說 - 6500 萬年前   地球受到巨大的隕石撞擊   隕石撞擊所產生的熱引發大火   大火焚燒所產生的灰和煤灰掩蓋了天空   遮蔽的陽光   造成食物鏈的崩潰以及恐龍的滅亡

2. 火山爆發說 - 火山爆發大量的岩漿流經地面   引發大火   大火燃燒所產生的二氧化碳造成了嚴重的溫室效應 

以上兩種說法比較受大家接受的是在 1980 年提出的隕石說   但有趣的是   以下所蒐集的一篇截自 CNN 的文章中提到一位科學家在 2004 年提出對於隕石說的質疑  他表示  首先  墨西哥附近被認為是隕石降落點的坑洞並不如原先形容的大   其次  他發現這顆小流星撞擊地球大約發生在恐龍滅絕發生 30 萬年以前

這位古生物學家在研究一種對環境非常敏感的多孔蟲化石之後認為   恐龍的滅絕應該是由於環境嚴重的變化所致  可能是出自於溫室效應  或是多次的小流星撞擊所造成的  事實上在隕石說提出的小流星撞擊發生之前   地球的氣候已經有劇烈變化的徵兆  而恐龍也有逐漸減少的趨勢  所以小流星的撞擊  只是壓垮駱駝的最後一根稻草而已



這個觀點倒是我這次蒐集資料時才看到這樣的說法  原來其實聖經的擁護者早已針對這些會受到近代科學質疑的部分提出論點


1. 恐龍是上帝在第六天所造出

2. 恐龍的滅絕並非特例  恐龍數量的減少只是諾亞大洪水時期的結果

3. 恐龍也曾在方舟上  但是在洪水退去後  許多動物都面臨了食物缺乏而滅種   恐龍也是其中之一

支持者並提出許多大洪水的證據   滿值得好好看看





Reference page:

1.What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? - Answers in Genesis

According to the Bible: Dinosaurs first existed around 6,000 years ago.3 God made the dinosaurs, along with the other land animals, on Day 6 of the Creation Week (Genesis 1:20–25, 31). Adam and Eve were also made on Day 6—so dinosaurs lived at the same time as people, not separated by eons of time.

Dinosaurs could not have died out before people appeared because dinosaurs had not previously existed; and death, bloodshed, disease, and suffering are a resultof Adam’s sin (Genesis 1:29–30; Romans 5:12, 14; 1 Corinthians 15:21–22).

Representatives of all the kinds of air-breathing land animals, including the dinosaur kinds, went aboard Noah’s Ark. All those left outside the Ark died in the cataclysmic circumstances of the Flood, and many of their remains became fossils.

After the Flood, around 4,300 years ago, the remnant of the land animals, including dinosaurs, came off the Ark and lived in the present world, along with people. Because of sin, the judgments of the Curse and the Flood have greatly changed earth. Post-Flood climatic change, lack of food, disease, and man’s activities caused many types of animals to become extinct. The dinosaurs, like many other creatures, died out. Why the big mystery about dinosaurs?

2.Introduction - Animals Past and Present - Univeristy of Illinois Extension

Potential causes of mass extinctions include climate change due to movements of the earth’s land masses (plate tectonics), massive volcanic activity, asteroid or comet impacts, or changes in oxygen levels in the atmosphere.

1.445 million years ago

One theory on the cause of this event was climate change.  Earth was going through a major cooling , and much of the land was covered in ice.  This greatly lowered sea levels.

2.370 million years ago

Again, a change in sea levels associated with global cooling may have been a cause.

3.250 million years ago

The largest extinction event that ever happened on earth was about 250 million years ago.  Over 80 percent of all genera on land and sea combined were wiped out.  This is known as the Great Dying. A combination of volcanic activity, climate extremes, and a possible asteroid impact may have been to blame.

4. 200 million years ago

Another huge volcanic event around 200 million years ago led to another extinction.

5. 65 million years ago

The end of the dinosaurs coincided with a meteor impact around 65 million years ago, although other factors may have been involved as well.  The meteor, which hit the earth near Cancun, Mexico, would have incinerated areas near the impact, and would have thrown massive amounts of solid material into the upper atmosphere, blocking out the sun. - What really happened to the dinosaurs? - Mar. 2, 2004

Evidence she's examined shows that the asteroid hit Mexico about 300,000 years before the dinosaurs and many other organisms disappeared --and that the crater was smaller than originally believed.

These tiny organisms, called foraminifera (about 10,000 could fit under a fingernail), are good barometers of what the conditions were like when they lived.

Keller said this and other mass extinctions can be tied to an intensive period of volcanic activity and resulting greenhouse effects, and probably a series of many asteroid hits.

The asteroid may have been the straw that broke the camel's back -- or in the case of the dinosaurs, the backs of tyrannosaurus rex and triceratops.


5.Apologetics Press - What Happened to the Dinosaurs?

A host of theories attempt to explain the extinction of dinosaurs. In his book Walking with Dinosaurs, Tim Haines noted: “There have been over 80 theories suggested to explain the demise of the dinosaurs. These include plague, constipation, mammals eating their eggs, racial senility, a nearby explosion of a supernova, and being hunted by aliens” (1999, p. 281).

Generally speaking, the most popularly held evolutionary view of dinosaur extinction was put forth by Luis and Walter Alvarez. In an essay co-authored with Frank Asaro, Walter Alvarez suggested that a huge, six-mile-wide asteroid crashed into the Earth and caused catastrophic, global devastation. He and Asaro wrote: “A 6-mile-diameter asteroid moving at more than 22,000 miles an hour would ram a huge hole in the atmosphere. When it hit the ground, its kinetic energy would be converted to heat in a nonnuclear explosion 10,000 times as strong as the total world arsenal of nuclear weapons (2000, p. 350). The authors detailed many of the suggested effects of such a huge explosion. They noted that such an explosion would send enormous amounts of dust and water vapor into the atmosphere. This atmospheric contamination would result in virtually total darkness for months, and “[f]ood chains everywhere would collapse. The darkness would also produce extremely cold temperatures, a condition termed ‘impact winter’” (p. 351). After this “impact winter,” it is proposed that greenhouses gases such as carbon dioxide caused “a subsequent period of extreme heat” that would have killed many of the dinosaurs that lived through the extreme cold” (p. 351). Add to that the heavy acid rain possibly caused by the impact, plus the idea that more asteroids may have hit the Earth, and the devastation becomes almost indescribable. In their concluding remarks, Alvarez and Asaro stated: “As detectives attempting to unravel this 65-million-year-old mystery, we find ourselves pausing from time to time to reflect that we owe our very existence as thinking beings to the impact that destroyed the dinosaurs” (p. 357).

Perhaps the second most popular evolutionary theory for dinosaur extinction is the volcano-greenhouse theory. This theory, proposed by Dewey McLean, suggests that extensive volcanic activity, focused in an area known as the Deccan Traps in India, brought about the end of the dinosaurs. The extent of volcanic activity was so great that lava flows supposedly covered the Deccan Traps area for an estimated 2.6 million square kilometers. Today, the area is still covered by about 500,000 square kilometers of lava flows. In some places, the flows are a mile and a half thick (McLean, 1995). The massive volcanic activity supposedly introduced huge amounts of water vapor and carbon dioxide into Earth’s atmosphere. These greenhouse gasses allegedly trapped heat from the Sun, causing the Earth’s atmosphere to heat up. According to McLean, the intense heat generated by the greenhouse gas caused “environmental heat-induced reduction of blood flow to the uterine tract, that damages and kills embryos within their mothers” (1995).




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