英文繪本是一個很好的學英文的方式   不管對什麼年齡的孩子而言

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其實如果媽媽自己的英文程度不錯   而且有心有時間   當然是孩子最好的老師

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在右腦或是一些潛能開發的課程中  吹蠟燭遊戲是一個滿重要的運用方式

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今天的 EPG

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出處 : 影集  數字搜查線以及其他許許多多不計其數的電影

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昨天幫韋做完深層溝通之後   今天早上起床  韋聽說要去幼稚園  照樣的賴床不肯起來

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今天韋第一天試上右腦   一場大失敗 

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上週六帶韋到華婉換書   剛好碰上故事媽媽缺人

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孩子的成長   總會帶來一些驚訝

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前天在 Costco 看到了一本英文的 Dora 故事書  

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今天的 EPG 繪本帶 Gingerbread Man   並嘗試用 TBL ( Task Base Learning ) 的方式帶 RAZ Kids 讀本 Birthday Party

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Another interesting article regarding deductive v.s. inductive, though it is in science field.

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Thinking about what to do for phonics teaching, it is a big question to me for which way should I plan for kids. Should I follow the most popular way right now, feeding kids with a lot of phonics readers, let them read and pratice day after day, one after one, or should I just try to summarized the rules to be as simple as possible, so kids can catch them within the shortest time?

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Learning styles are the ways in which a leaner natually preferes to take in, process and remember information and skills. Our learning style influences how we like to learn and how we learn best.

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